ARLINGTON HEIGHTS, Ill., September 13, 2021 (Newswire.com) - Pace Headquarters will be open to the public to attend this regular meeting of the Board of Directors.
All visitors will be screened for access to the board meeting. Your temperature will be taken, you must complete a questionnaire, and you must wear a mask at all times while you are in the building.
The public is invited to watch the board meeting remotely by clicking on this link: www.pacebus.com/streaming.
If you wish to offer public comment on an agenda item, please submit your name, the agenda item(s) on which you wish to offer public comment, and your comment(s) to: publiccomment@pacebus.com no less than 24 hours prior to the start of the meeting. Rules for public comment can be found here: www.pacebus.com/rules-public-comment-virtual-meetings.
Pledge of Allegiance
1. Roll Call
2. Approval of Minutes
Approval of the August 18, 2021 Open Session minutes.
3. Public Comment
4. Chairman's Report
Chairman Kwasneski's report on Pace-related activities during the past month.
5. Directors' Reports
The Directors' reports on Pace-related activities during the past month.
6. Executive Director's Report
The Executive Director's report on Pace-related activities during the past month.
7. Approval of Consent Agenda
*A. Ordinance authorizing a change order to contract no. 227854 with OptumRx, Inc. for Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) employer group pharmacy benefits.
*B. Ordinance authorizing the award of a contract to Central States Bus Sales, Inc. for ten (10) high-roof, lift-equipped supervisor vans in an amount not to exceed $544,990.00.
*Denotes Consent Agenda Items.
8. Items Removed from Consent Agenda
9. Action Items
A. Ordinance adopting Driving Innovation as Pace's current strategic vision plan, which will serve as the agency's primary guiding document that establishes major planning and policy initiatives and priorities for the coming years.
10. Issues/Discussions/Reports
A. 2022 Budget Presentation and Discussion
B. 2022 Budget Public Hearing Schedule
C. Suburban Service and Regional ADA Budget Results - July 2021
D. Financial Statement for the Month Ending July 2021
11. Closed Session
A. Closed Session Minutes (Section 2-C-21)
B. Pending Litigation (Section 2-C-11)
C. Property Sale (Section 2-C-6)
12. Reconvene
A. Approval of August 18, 2021, Closed Session minutes.
B. Approval of action in Olivia Delgado, a minor, by and through her mother, Elisette Delgado v. Sharon M. Brown and Pace Suburban Bus; Cook County case number 2019 L 001921.
13. Adjournment
Source: Pace Suburban Bus Service