ARLINGTON HEIGHTS, Ill., October 16, 2023 (Newswire.com) - Pace Headquarters will be open to the public to attend this regular meeting of the Board of Directors.
The public is invited to watch the board meeting remotely by clicking on this link: www.pacebus.com/streaming.
If you will not be attending the meeting in person, but wish to offer public comment on an agenda item, please submit your name, the agenda item(s) on which you wish to offer public comment, and your comment(s) to: publiccomment@pacebus.com no less than 24 hours prior to the start of the meeting. Rules for public comment can be found here: www.pacebus.com/rules-public-comment.
Pledge of Allegiance
1. Roll Call
2. Approval of Minutes
. Approval of the September 20, 2023, open session minutes.
3. Public Comment
4. Chairman's Report
Chairman Kwasneski's report on Pace-related activities during the past month.
5. Directors' Reports
The Directors' reports on Pace-related activities during the past month.
6. Executive Director's Report
The Executive Director's report on Pace-related activities during the past month.
7. Approval of Consent Agenda
A. Ordinance adopting Pace’s Regulations Governing Public Bidding.
B. Ordinance authorizing the award of a contract to Empower Annuity Insurance Company of America for Regional Transportation Authority (RTA) 401(k) Plan & Trust recordkeeping services in an amount not to exceed $560,000.00.
C. Ordinance authorizing the award of a contract to Petroleum Traders Corporation for the purchase and delivery of diesel fuel and unleaded gasoline to Pace facilities and contract carriers in an amount not to exceed $31,629,274.52.
D. Ordinance authorizing the award of contract to Chandler Services, Inc., Cummins, Inc., and Interstate Power Systems, Inc. for the repair of Cummins engines and Allison transmissions not covered by warranties in an amount not to exceed $3,831,024.00.
E. Ordinance authorizing the award of a contract to First Student, Inc. for fixed route bus service on Pace Route 905, the Schaumburg Trolley, in an amount not to exceed $3,009,508.73.
F. Ordinance authorizing the award of a sole source contract to Trapeze Software Group, Inc. for hardware, software, licenses, equipment, training, maintenance, and support for projects using Trapeze software in an amount not to exceed $15,260,328.05.
8. Items Removed from Consent Agenda
9. Action Items
A. Ordinance authorizing the release of the proposed 2024 Operating Budget and Two-Year Financial Plan for Suburban Service and Regional ADA Paratransit Service, and the 2024-2028 Five-Year Capital Program for public hearings.
B. Ordinance establishing the 2024 Board Meeting Schedule.
C. Ordinance approving an IGA with CTA for Subsidizing Rides at Certain Stops Along Pace Routes for Riders Affected by Phase 1 of the Forest Park Branch Rebuild.
D. Ordinance approving an IGA with Cook County for Pace’s receipt of up to $500,000 of Invest in Cook grant funding to support the architectural and engineering services for the Pulse Halsted Line project.
E. Ordinance authorizing Change Order No. 8 to Contract No. 232351 with Path Construction Company, Inc. for the resolution of cost, labor, and supply escalation claims for the Pace South Campus Acceptance Facility and Office Building. This change order increases the contract total from $32,742,230.86 to $35,671,642.36, an increase of $2,929,411.50.
10. Issues/Discussions/Reports
A. Suburban Service and Regional ADA Budget Results – August 2023
B. Financial Statement for the Month Ending August 2023
11. Closed Session
A. Closed Session Minutes (Section 2-C-21)
B. Employment Matters (Section 2-C-1)
12. Reconvene
A. Resolution approving the September 20, 2023 closed session minutes.
B. Resolution approving a merit increase for the Executive Director for the year 2022.
C. Resolution approving a First Amended Employment Agreement with the Executive Director.
13. Adjournment
Source: Pace Suburban Bus Service